The Wedding Scene:
We have chosen to create a storyline based on the idea of an interupted wedding. This kind of drama will keep the audience drawn in and create suspense. This fits in with the Uses and Gratifications theory of Diversion. This means the audience will watch the soap to escape from everday problems by watching something exciting and different to everyday life.
An example of this would be seen in Hollyoaks were the wedding was stopped by Max's accident.

The Pub Scene:
We are going to include scene revolving around a pub as we know the is a very strong convention in soaps and is very popular. This is evident from all existing soaps being baseed around a pub community. We plan to show the elder characters in our soap appearing in the pub, being the gossip based characters. This links into the uses and gratifications theory of Personal Identiy as we can appeal to an elder audience by including characters they would relate to.
Such as:

The Queen Vic from Eastenders

The Rovers Return from Corronation Street
We have chosen to create a storyline based around a house party to help us appeal to a younger audience part of the socio economic group E. This links to the uses and gratifications of personal identity meaning the young audience will be able to relate to the young characters. We know this story will be popular as similiar stories have been used before. Such as Lucy Beale from Eastenders holding a house party that goes wrong.

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