Friday 17 September 2010

Character Profiles

Helen Johnson (major role) -
Age: 28 years old
Occupation: Bank Clerk in a nearby town
Helen is a young and aspirational character. She is happily engaged to Dan Baxter and are living together in the village. Helen spends her time working, and more recently planning the wedding.

Dan Baxter (major role) -
Age: 29 years old
Occupation: General assistant in the village shop
Dan is Helen Johnson fiance, he is happily engaged to her and is very excited for their big day. He spent a lot of time building up the guts to propose to Helen as he was very nervous but was very happy when he got round to it. He spends a lot of his time working at the local shop and enjoys going to the pub with Helen for a drink.

George Macintyre (major role) -
Age: 39 years old
Occupation: Unemployed
George is the village loner. He finds it hard to make friends and has very few. He is secretly in love with Helen Johnson but she does not know as he keeps himself to himself. He is unemployed and lives off benefits and his mothers money.

Hendrick Saunders (minor role) -
Age: 17 years old
Occupation: Student
Hendrick is the typical Jack the Lad. He is the popular boy amongst his group of friends and very rarely attends college. He does whatever he can to be in the centre of attention, even if it could get him into trouble. He is into drinking alcohol and occasionally drugs.

Jenny Gruff (major role) -
Age: 16
Occupation: Student
Jenny is a typical teenage girl who tries her best to fit in with the crowd. She is new to the village so is trying to make new friends. She isn't the most popular girl yet but she plans to try to change this. She is focused on her studies most of the time, and is a high achiever.

Neil (minor role) -
Age: 56
Occupation: Pub Landlord
Keith loves his job working in the local pub and spending his days chatting to the locals and pouring drinks. He is very friendly and popular within the village. He is currently not in a relationship.

Keith (minor role) -
Age: 63 years old
Occupation: Unemployed
Keith is the village drunk. He has no aspirations and is on benefits. He spends all the money he does get on alcohol at the local pub.

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