Thursday 9 December 2010

Soap Trailer Music

We have been looking into the different types and genres of music that we could include in our final cut of our soap opera trailer. We have looked at examples of existing trailers that make use of music so we can get a feel for what type of music to use for our trailer. Here are the trailers we listened to:

This trailer uses music to create suspense, and this is one of our aims. It also uses the music as more of a background sound as apposed to the main sound. This is relevant to our trailer as we are going to be using mainly dialogue.

This trailer makes use of ironic msusic as the music does not really match with some of the scenes occuring in the trailer. It sets up a good contrast as the characters are seen as being happy and cheerful and then we can see an accident, but the music remains the same. Keeping the music the same throughout adds irony and suspense.

The music in this trailer is more like a drone at the start, it gives the trailer a very spooky feel which is relevant as they are talking about death. This is a good style of non diegetic sound for us to look at as it is very much in the background and that is the effect we want to create.

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