Tuesday 12 October 2010



This is a list of the locations we will need to film in. They include a house, a church/registry office and a pub. We will be able to film the house scenes in the same house but using different rooms. We will try to create the best mise en scene in these settings to ensure we have verisimilitude, making it more realistic for the audience so that they find it easier to relate to. This makes use of the uses and gratifications theory of personal relation.

We will also have to consider the lighting in each scene. The lighting in the sofa scene with Helen and Dan should be very bright so it lightens the room to make the scene look light hearted. This type of lighting will connote happiness which is what we want to achieve in this scene.

In the scene with George on his own, we want it to be quite dark, but still light enough to see him. We will achieve this by having the curtains cracked so a thin beam of light can shine through. Instead of lights on we will use candles to give a more eerie feel. This lighting set up will give mysterious connotations.

The lighting in the party scene will be quite dark as it will be night time when the party occurs. There will be a light on in the room as the characters in the scene have left the main party to get a drink. As the lighting will be quite dull it will give the impression that something could go wrong. The following morning in the same location when Jenny's parent arrives home will be brighter so the damage can be seen, the sun will be shining through the window to show that time has passed.

The lighting in the wedding scene will be very bright to give angelic connotations. We want the scene to look innocent and untouched. This will help to give the impression that all is going well when really it may not be.

Abi Crafter and Matt Bigg

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