Friday 22 October 2010

Poster Ideas

As one of our poster ideas includes georges eyes in the background we had a practice at photoshopping a picture of eyes into a black background and this is what we produced:

This look is very mysterious and thats the feel we want to create with our poster.

Thursday 21 October 2010

Magazine and Poster Layout 3

Here are the Magazine and Poster Layout 3 drafts. These were created by James

Draft Magazine Cover

Draft Poster Cover

Poster and Magazine Layouts 2

Here are the second Poster and magazine layout designs for our soap. These layouts were both made by Matt Bigg.


Magazine Design

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Poster Layout 1

We have also each created an idea for the layout of our soap opera poster. This layout design was done by Abi Crafter:

Walthams poster

Magazine Layout 1

We each have created ideas for layout of our magazine cover to advertise our new soap opera. This is the first idea by Abi Crafter:

Suds Weekly

Shot Lists

Here are the shotlists for our soap opera trailer, magazine cover and poster.

Shot list

Magazine Shot List

Poster Shotlist

Sunday 17 October 2010



Location Scouting

Location Scouting

Casting Pensiors

As we have casted our two older characters as two 18 year olds, we will have to use make up and mise en scene to give the impression that they are old. To do this we will use make up and props. We will use a dark coloured foundation to give an aged skin effect, talcum powder in the actors hair to make it look grey and props such as glasses and walking sticks. We will also use clothing to help create this effect.

Friday 15 October 2010

Jenny’s Parent/Character Change

Document 1

Casting Information

After completing our audtitoning process we have made our final decisions on the people who will play the roles in our soap opera trailer. The cast list is as follows:

Dan -

The character of Dan will be played by Tom Le Gresley. We have chosen Tom because we liked the way he acted in the audition. He was convincing and could make the audience think he was genuine. He also reminds us of someone who is very down to earth meaning he can be easily related to, making use of the uses and gratifications theory of identification.

Helen -

The character of Helen will be played by Hannah Blakemore. We have chosen Hannah because she has a very bubbly personality and this is what we are looking for in an excited character about to get married.


The character of George will be played by Oliver Moss. We chose Oliver becuase he acted in a way which brought to life the ideas we had for the character of George. For example the way he said the line 'Helen, why can't you be mine?' was very emotional.

Julia -

The character of Julia will be played by Jasmine Lee. We have chosen Jasmine because she managed to pull off a very good and convincing role of a pensioner. This is very important to us as we would find it hard to arrange actual elder cast members for our filming.

Peggy -

The character of Peggy will be played by Kirsty Dwyer. We have chosen Kirsty because, like Jasmine, she created a very convincing character as a pensioner. Her acting skills were very good and she had good camera presence.

Jenny -

The character of Jenny will be played by Jennifer Pike. We have chosen her because of her performance in the audition.

Jennys Father -

Jennys father will be played by Tayo O Martins. We have chosen Tayo because he created a very authortitve role in the auditions which is what we were looking for.

Vicar -

The character of the vicar will be played by Harry Murden. We have chosen Harry because he put across a serious face, it is important for the vicar role to be a serious character as he will be conducting a wedding.

Thursday 14 October 2010

Audtion Videos

We held our auditions and filmed them for reference when picking our cast. Our first audition was for characters Helen and Dan, played by Tom Le Gresley and Hannah Blakemore:

Lewis Tucker and Hannah Cullen auditioned for the parts of Helen and Dan:

Oliver Moss auditioned for the part of George:

Elliot Brooker auditioned for the part of George:

Jamsime Lee and Kirsty Dwyer audtitoned for the parts of Julia and Peggy:

Jo Roberts and Emmaline Gordon auditioned for the parts of Julia and Pegyy:

Matt Swales auditioned for the part of party extra 1, Lewis Spaul audition for party extra 2 and Rachel Short auditoned for Jenny:

Emily Armstrong, Alex Cooke and James Hanncock audition for the parts of Jenny and the Party Guests:

Tayo O Martins and Jenny Pike have auditioned for the roles of Jenny and her Parent:

Natalie Gillam and Emily Armstrong auditioned for the parts of Jenny and Jennys parent:

Harry Murden auditioned for the part of the vicar:

Wednesday 13 October 2010


As a group we will be taking out audtitons to find the cast for characters with speaking parts in our soap opera trailer. We will be auditioning for the following characters:
- Helen
- Dan
- George
- Jenny
- Julia
- Peggy
- Party Extra 1
- Party Extra 2
- Jennys Mum

Final Script

Final Script

This is our final script which has been developed a lot since our first draft script. We have added extra dialogue and more detailed stage directions. We decided that Jenny should have some dialogue in the party scene to point out to the audience who she is.

Audition Organization

To ensure we had participants for our auditions, we set a date and created posters to advertise this. The poster include important information about the auditions such as date and location. Here is a copy of our poster:

Audtion Poster

We will be using our final script for the auditionees to read off. They will read the section of the script for the character they are auditioning for.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Prop List

Prop List


The WALTHAMS Costumes

We created a list of the costumes each character will be wearing. We chose the costumes based on the connotations they had and to make the clothing represent the characters. For example we have put George in all dark clothing except a white T shirt to connote that his intentions are not bad. It is important to give the characters clothing meaning to get the audince thinking about their personality and characteristics.





This is a list of the locations we will need to film in. They include a house, a church/registry office and a pub. We will be able to film the house scenes in the same house but using different rooms. We will try to create the best mise en scene in these settings to ensure we have verisimilitude, making it more realistic for the audience so that they find it easier to relate to. This makes use of the uses and gratifications theory of personal relation.

We will also have to consider the lighting in each scene. The lighting in the sofa scene with Helen and Dan should be very bright so it lightens the room to make the scene look light hearted. This type of lighting will connote happiness which is what we want to achieve in this scene.

In the scene with George on his own, we want it to be quite dark, but still light enough to see him. We will achieve this by having the curtains cracked so a thin beam of light can shine through. Instead of lights on we will use candles to give a more eerie feel. This lighting set up will give mysterious connotations.

The lighting in the party scene will be quite dark as it will be night time when the party occurs. There will be a light on in the room as the characters in the scene have left the main party to get a drink. As the lighting will be quite dull it will give the impression that something could go wrong. The following morning in the same location when Jenny's parent arrives home will be brighter so the damage can be seen, the sun will be shining through the window to show that time has passed.

The lighting in the wedding scene will be very bright to give angelic connotations. We want the scene to look innocent and untouched. This will help to give the impression that all is going well when really it may not be.

Abi Crafter and Matt Bigg

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Animtic Storyboard

We have created an animatic storyboard by taking the photographs we took for the photographic storyboard and adding transitions to them to make a video showing the transiitons and giving more information on each scene and why we have chosen certain transistions. For exaple we have chosen to use fade to black transitions at certain points, mainly to give negative connotations.

Second Draft Script

Second Draft Script

This is the second draft of our script. We have further developed it from the first draft stage by adding stage directions, and time of action. It is important to give detailed direction for the actors and actresses so they know how to act.

Photographic Storyboard

Photographic Storyboard

As a group we have created a photographic storyboard. This is where we recreated the scenes we are going to have in our soap opera trailer and took photos of them showing the camera shots and angles we are going to use, for example we have used a mid shot for the first scene. We have included information on here such as sound and duration.

Initial Script

Initial Script

This our initial script. It includes basic directions for each scene including the dialogue. This is our first draft and we will continue to develop our script to make it credible so the audience can relate to the situations.

Initial Storyboard


We created an initial storyboard to show what will be in each scene, which characters, the type of shot, the duration and the sound. This is an important aspect of our project as we need to know this information about each scene to continue developing it.

Trailer Narrative

We have made this radio show to portray what we are going to include in the narrative of our soap opera narrative. We chose to do it as a radio show to make it more interesting than typing it. We will be able to refer back to this piece of work when it comes to developing our project as it tells us the order everything is happening in, this could be helpful when it comes to making storyboards etc.

Friday 1 October 2010

Soap Research

To gain a stronger knowledge into British soaps, we each researched into different parts of the British soap industry. We've individually analysed soap trailers, and looked at the history of soap and soap trailer conventions. We also each took out a survey to get some information on the types of audiences interested in soaps. This helped us to create our target audience profile and taught us what demographic group we should be aiming at. After performing the research, we compared it together in order to gain as much knowledge as possible from each other.

Here are the links to the pieces of research each of us did on our own blogs-

Matt Bigg History of Soaps Soap Trailers Soap Trailer Analysis Poster Analysis Magazine Analysis

Abi Crafter History of Soaps
Soap Trailers
Soap Trailer Analysis - Eastenders
Soap Trailer Analysis - Coronation Street
Soap Trailer Analysis - Emmerdale
Soap Trailer Analysis - Hollyoaks
Target Audience Questionnaire
Target Audience Questionnaire Results
Poster Analysis 1
Poster Analysis 2
Magazine Analysis 1
Magazine Analysis 2

James Garrod History of Soaps Soap Conventions Soap Trailer Analysis Poster Analysis Magazine Analysis