Monday 17 January 2011

The Walthams Trailer - Final Edit

Final Poster Layout

Final Poster Layout

Final Magazine Cover

Final Magazine Layout

2nd Drafts of Magazine and Poster

Each of us gathered some feedback for our 1st drafts in order to create a new and improved edit for both the magazine and poster. The 2nd designs can be seen here:


Magazine and Poster Design Ideas

As a group we all went away with the photos we took for the magazine and poster and created a design as to what we thought they should look like. We would then be able to use these to create our final pieces for our magazine and poster. The designs can be seen here:


Feedback for 2nd Cut of Trailer

In order to gain some feedback to help us improve our soap opera trailer for the final edit, we have conducted interviews to find out what people like about it and what they think could be improved. We will use this feedback to put towards our final cut.

Interview 1

Interview 2

Interview 3

Interview 4

Friday 14 January 2011

2nd Cut of Trailer

This is the second cut of our trailer, we have included some of the improvments such as non diegetic music has been added, and we have titles to give the audience the information about the broadcasting of the episode. Again, we will get feedback on this cut to help us create a final cut with all the suggested improvments.

Sunday 2 January 2011

Feedback for Rough Cut

As a group we showed our rough cut to our class in order to obtain some constructive criticism and feedback to help us make improvments when it comes to editing our second cut. The class commented on the following things:
- music should be added to make it more generic to soap opera trailers as most have some sort of music. It will also help to add tension and create mood.
- The opening of the trailer could maybe need something so it doesn't start so abruptly.
- Pub scene actresses are over exagerating and it doesn't really fit in with the rest of the acting.

We will consider these points when it comes to making our second cut, particulary adding music as we feel this is very important and will help make our piece more conventional and effective. With regards to the comment about the very start of the trailer, we will be adding a fade from black to the start to make it seem like the trailer is 'eased' into.

We can justify the use of overacting in the pub scene by saying the characters have very loud personalities, and are excited about the wedding.

Saturday 1 January 2011

Rough Cut Trailer

This is the rough cut for our soap opera trailer. It is missing two scenes, the wedding scene and Georges second scene. We will add these scenes into a later edit as they are not yet completed. We will use this cut to gain feedback in order to make improvments and make the trailer more appealing to a wide audience.